VARN2022 Conference Report
VARN2022: Shaping Global Vaccine Acceptance with Localized Knowledge
We are pleased to present the findings and insights stemming from the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s inaugural Vaccination Acceptance Research Network (VARN) conference, held virtually between March 1-3, 2022.
Social and behavioral science collaborations and action-oriented solutions
Making vaccines more accessible, enabling innovation and expanding immunization across the globe, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), has been the decades-long mission of Sabin. With the COVID-19 pandemic having made vaccine hesitancy and vaccine inequity common household terminology, Sabin’s VARN responds to the critical need, now more than ever, to foster social and behavioral science research collaborations and action-oriented solutions for vaccination success.
The support and momentum for VARN’s knowledge-sharing event underscored the importance of collectively advancing our understanding of vaccine acceptance and demand through the collaborative efforts of researchers, implementers and communities. We were pleased to see the level of engagement from stakeholders across global regions and professional sectors – global health professionals convening with the common goal to translate evidence-based knowledge to support policy-making, program decision-making and healthcare delivery and practice. During the conference we were able to share a wide spectrum of perspectives, which also enabled the sharing of unique tools, data, system resources, and connections that organizations and individuals can leverage to generate confidence, acceptance, and demand related to vaccination. The high level of dynamic, multisectoral and cross-disciplinary engagement continues to inform the priorities of our programs and projects. We strive to put people and communities at the center of our work. Through the VARN, we can amplify localized vaccine knowledge and innovation and unlock the potential of vaccines through collaborative partnership.
Key Lessons Uncovered
The conference report is a synthesis of the contributions made by over 50 presenters sharing evidence from interventions designed to further understand and break down barriers to vaccine acceptance and demand in over 40 countries. The various presentations and discussions centered around four key themes:
In the report, you will find a detailed review of the 14 associated lessons that emerged from panel discussions, technical working groups, and research presentations and posters. The insights shared throughout the three-day conference will set the stage for ongoing collaboration and future meetings and activities through VARN with members and local, regional, and global stakeholders. Together, we hope that VARN will provide a forum to stimulate discussions, drive collaborations, and highlight key priorities for either new or continued investment that can positively impact vaccine acceptance and demand and vaccination uptake around the world. Visit the conference platform for session recordings and other resources.
Key Insights from Sabin 2020-2021 Grant Partners Inform Action, Investment in Vaccine Acceptance
This case study report summarizes commonalities across the effective interventions and highlights the emerging themes and community action.
Keeping Vaccination in the Conversation
Our work to elevate vaccine access, equity, and acceptance on the global stage
Community-led Strategies to Aid Vaccine Acceptance: Five Case Studies from the Global South
This initial case-study report informs action and investment around the globe that seek to build more vaccine confident communities.