Sazzad Hossain Khan
Mr. Sazzad Hossain Khan, a young scientist is fortifying public health career expertizing in social and behavioral research. He is currently working as a Research Investigator of Infectious Diseases Division (IDD) at icddr,b. Mr. Khan is coordinating the Applied Social and Behavioral Research (ASBR) component of CHAMPS, Bangladesh. Besides, he has been involving in several research projects i.e. vaccine acceptance, emerging infections, antimicrobial resistance and preventing neonatal and under five child death for more than a decade. He is implementing several protocols as a CO-PI or CO-I particularly on vaccination (COVID-19 vaccine, influenza vaccine, routine immunization). In scientific contribution, as a co-author he has published six articles in peer reviewed journals and 19 abstracts in international conferences. Mr. Khan has attained post-graduation on Sociology, University of Dhaka. He has the firm commitment to solve public health problems by reducing preventable diseases through understanding social and behavioral drivers and thereby enhance vaccine acceptance.
VARN2023 Conference Report (French)
Quand les communautés dirigent, l’immunisation mondiale réussit
VARN2023 Conference Report
Findings and insights from the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s VARN2023 conference
VARN2023 Conference: When Communities Lead, Global Immunization Succeeds
Explore the report, presentations and recordings from the VARN2023 Conference.